************** * Agenda * AvuKy-Nusimo-PlazaVu Module specific Compatible API AvuKy [s] = section/step-Type AvuKy owns Compatible API for User's info AvuKy's Guide w/ compatible Nusimo's item w/ compatible Advanced->Filter PlazaVu filter w/ Compatible // OLD [PlazaVu] SpecsId for Fitness Fit check: model-option Requirement for Model match. (used on Advanced) [Nusimo] with Specs (private company) for 2nd opinion [AvuKy] with Specs (for repair guide) Stack (Delete, Favorite-toplisted) ReAdd with (updated date) ------------ Tu Hoc Guitar https://tuhocchoiguitar.com/index.php/giao-trinh-guitar/giao-trinh-guitar-co-dien-f-carulli-guitar-phang/ https://tuhocchoiguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/Giao-Trinh-Guitar-Carulli.pdf English Vowel Sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69DwHUg2f7s English Diphthong Sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL1iGL11Jzg Cont. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcHHL6OxJQY Diary's Announcement or About AvuKY Section with s= only Master breadcrum with S Diary left Col REading-Time by Index value LEft and Right Col (no DiaryID) Also Diary page has no Left/Right Articles STat by Session